Friday, August 28, 2009

Life Right Now

Hey guys! Miss you already! It's fun getting to hear how everyone is doing and how their first day of school have gone. As for me, because I took so many credits over the summer I only have two classes and my masters project left for this semester then I am done with college (at least until I need to recertify).

With my free time I have decided to get my private pilot's license!! I am loving it! I have always wanted to be a pilot, ever since my mom took me in kindegarten to our local airport to watch the planes come in and out. I am finally realizing one of my dreams! I love it so much I might want to be a flight instructor some day. . . who knows?

Other than that, life is pretty normal, nothing else too exciting going on.

Keep on posting what you are doing group! We gotta keep this blog alive!!



  1. Hi, Britt! Wow--didn't know you were a pilot, too! Of course, you know that sailing is much like flying--the principles of lift are exactly the same as in flying. The sail acts as a wing with the wind speed greater over the outside, thus "pulling" the boat through the water. (Everything relates to sailing, you know...:)

    By the way--do you have a copy of my power point presentation? Mine was deleted accidentally!

    Take care and good flying!


  2. Wait, you're almost done with college AND you're gonna be a pilot? Why can't I have your life?
