Friday, August 28, 2009

Life Right Now

Hey guys! Miss you already! It's fun getting to hear how everyone is doing and how their first day of school have gone. As for me, because I took so many credits over the summer I only have two classes and my masters project left for this semester then I am done with college (at least until I need to recertify).

With my free time I have decided to get my private pilot's license!! I am loving it! I have always wanted to be a pilot, ever since my mom took me in kindegarten to our local airport to watch the planes come in and out. I am finally realizing one of my dreams! I love it so much I might want to be a flight instructor some day. . . who knows?

Other than that, life is pretty normal, nothing else too exciting going on.

Keep on posting what you are doing group! We gotta keep this blog alive!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New Year

What a difference a year of experience makes. My school year has started strong; I'm being insistent but not overbearing. Firm but not nit-picky. Kind and caring. And the students seems to be responding. I've learned how to support my constructivist views with practical wisdom. And the year--the new year--has started well!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Congratulations, Timothy!

Way to go, Timothy--now I know you're within sailing distance--and I understand that your area is close to the water, too. You're going to be a true asset to the Ferndale district--they're lucky to get you!

Well, it's back-to-school day for me. We'll attend our normal district first day presentation, then head back to the classroom to prepare. I've already been there quite a lot, so I feel ready.

By the way--did anyone save a copy of the power point presentation I sent out? My copies were deleted accidentally.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Mysteries of Providence

Dear NIWP cohorts:

I am pleased to announce that I have accepted the Media Technology position for which I interviewed last week at Ferndale. Woo hoo!

Honestly, the offer took me by surprise, as I was sure I had fumbled the interview altogether. At some point while trying to answer a very simple question, it felt as if my brain had frozen over and I was unable to articulate my thoughts. I was so befuddled at the moment that I felt like bolting from the room and never coming back!

I was told that I would receive word by Friday of last week. When Friday passed with no phone call (I was on my way to Missoula, MT that day), I wrote the whole thing off and went back to looking for a job.

Late yesterday, however, I got a phone call from the principal with a job offer. I was so overwhelmed by the news that I had to think about it overnight. Today, I am getting ready to pack a few things, and make plans for the move.

I want to thank each of you for your encouragement and input during our program. I feel like I can move into the classroom with confidence and poise. Thanks for making my July one to never forget.

All the best,


P.S. Anna, let's try to connect!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer's End

Hi, All--hope this finds you well!

I was listening today to A Prairie Home Companion, thankful for the chance to work with Marti this summer. The entire episode was devoted to poetry, and in one skit, the characters continued to refer to "the red wheelbarrow." So, thanks to Marti, the skit was made even funnier due to our introduction (my introduction, anyway!) to Williams Carlos Williams.

In other news, the sailing has been great. And very wet. My friend Dave and I sailed to a campground called Whiskey Rock and enjoyed beautiful weather...until 4:30 in the morning when a freight train of wind brought torrents of rain. We sailed back to Bayview--7.5 miles--chilled and wet to the bone, even in August. But, we still managed to have a great time.

School looms ahead, but I've put in enough hours getting ready to feel like the year will get off to a great start. I am really looking forward to installing a true writer's workshop this fall.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Where I'm From

(click collage for larger view)

to the 2009 Teacher Consultants of NIWP

Where I’m From

I am from a circle of laptops,

from brewed coffee and a carton of half-and half,

I am from a pan of delicious flan.

(Golden, shimmery,

With a taste of caramel.)

I am from cherries, grapes, chocolate and

One large muffin

Whose evaluation I remember

As I designed an effective rubric.

I’m from a smart board and birdwalking,

from Marti and Lucy.

I’m from remarkable writers

And reflective bloggers,

From I’m Done ! And Cut the Deadwood !
I’m from “ Rodney replenished our souls

with a homemade grilled chicken lunch”

and a new chapbook we can read ourselves from Timothy.

I’m from Sangria and pizza and subway sandwiches,

Vitamin Water and Seattle’s Best.

From the eyesight lost by staring at the

small print on the articles

the eyesight I hope will return before school starts.

Inside my canvas bag is a 4 “ notebook

spilling Sommers, Dix, and Moffett,

A sea of warm smiles

to carry me back to my classroom.

I am from these last four weeks

filled with “Good Writing is Good Thinking”

Moving forward with my writing life.

By Christy Woolum

with thanks to

George Ella Lyon

Your energy, wisdom, and amazing writing was an inspiration. CW