Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer's End

Hi, All--hope this finds you well!

I was listening today to A Prairie Home Companion, thankful for the chance to work with Marti this summer. The entire episode was devoted to poetry, and in one skit, the characters continued to refer to "the red wheelbarrow." So, thanks to Marti, the skit was made even funnier due to our introduction (my introduction, anyway!) to Williams Carlos Williams.

In other news, the sailing has been great. And very wet. My friend Dave and I sailed to a campground called Whiskey Rock and enjoyed beautiful weather...until 4:30 in the morning when a freight train of wind brought torrents of rain. We sailed back to Bayview--7.5 miles--chilled and wet to the bone, even in August. But, we still managed to have a great time.

School looms ahead, but I've put in enough hours getting ready to feel like the year will get off to a great start. I am really looking forward to installing a true writer's workshop this fall.


1 comment:

  1. I just read "Love That Dog" by Sharon Creech. Its a great novel of sorts in which every page is actually a poem by a student who does not believe he is a poet. There is a reference to the wheelbarrow poem and I had the same experience of being able to relate that I would not have had if I had not been exposed to that poem.

    I'll be honest, I think if I had not heard Marti read that poem then even if I had read it on my own I don't think I would have been very impressed by it. There is something valuable in hearing a poem read aloud and with the right expression.
