Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Have Been Remiss!

Hello, all!
I'm excited to see that the blog is active! For some reason, I thought I signed up for e-mail notifications, but I hadn't. I thought no one had been posting, but that was just me not even bothering to check! Good to hear many of you are doing well, and that you are putting our summer experience to work in your classrooms. I'm starting teaching on Monday, and as I go through writing my syllabus and talking to my colleagues, I find myself constantly referencing NIWP! I'm sure they will all eventually get tired of me yammering on about it, but I can't imagine getting ready for this quarter without the bedrock you all helped me form in July. I can only say, again, thank you!

P.S. Timothy! Lets connect soon. Congratulations on the job! (Although, I like to think I knew you would get it. They would have been fools not to hire you!)


  1. Apparently, I'm really in love with exclamation points today.

  2. I love explanation points also. Good to hear from you. I sure loved the pictures of the wedding also. Look looked just gorgeous. Your dress was such a great color.

  3. Anna, call me on my cell: 541.975.4401, or at my classroom: 360.383.9160. Let's do dinner sometime soon. Bring your friend with you.

    Where's a good place to eat?

